W olaire

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Demon Souls Тwitch W o W olaire ...Dark Souls фэндомы 

Demon's Souls пройден

Возможно, многие забыли, многие не верили, но чат твича все-таки смог одолеть ДеС и история очередной легенды закончена!На прохождение ушло около 1500 часов, за это время персонаж погиб 3133 раза!

byrdshot: W radley, having become the new thrall of the Old One set out to gather souls for her master. Yuria, the sole survivor of Boletaria did battle to free the world from the demon scourge. Their powers were evenly matched and each battle ended with a draw. Eventually the two fell in love and

A Red Eye Stone A Beast Demon's Soul ft:Close,Demon Souls,Dark Souls,фэндомы,Тwitch,W o,W olaire

Demon Souls,Dark Souls,фэндомы,Тwitch,W o,W olaire


W o W olaire ...Dark Souls фэндомы 

Чат твича закончил прохождение ДС2. Следующая цель - Demon's Souls

Ну, вот и закончилась история очередной легенды, чье имя W olaire

82 " 05 а 20 " 09 atCommander: $5.00 Seannybee: $20.00 Logie_18 Deaths: 3374 CHAOS ORDER UNBANM BANM DELAYDN DELAYUP Iingerx5+lin'gerx5 ayyyyyyyeeee chaos nlingerx5+lingerx5 i helped Q too late to vote RaNDMIGI Iingerx5+lingerx5 » Iingerx5+lingerx5+lingerx5 Nero - Doomsday (HD) -

82 : 05 : 21 : 25 *520 00 Logieis: $5.03 Deaths: 3374 http://www.nightbot.tv/songlist/tw itcihplaysdark DELAYDN DELAYUP 2:lingerx5+lingerx5 1:njax5 Multi: ling Multi: ling UNBANM CHAOS ORDER Ышх -> You can see the full lit here: we look like a man GEt @Jendrex, eat that breakfast

82 DAYS 05 : 17 : 42 HOURS MIHUTES SECONDS,Dark Souls,фэндомы,W o,W olaire

Deaths: 3374,Dark Souls,фэндомы,W o,W olaire

□□ nightbot: W olaire is Level 174, Stats: VGR = 44 ♦ END = 36 ♦ VIT = 38 ♦ ATN = 4 4 STR = 45 ♦ DEX = 12 ♦ ADP = 32 ♦ INT = 8 ♦ FTH = 8. 44 105 AG I 44 Next LvL 42,196 + 2,500,Dark Souls,фэндомы,W o,W olaire

Roach Majulo Roaoh the gondor changing coffin Cardinal Tower bonfire in Forest The Last Giant The-Pursuer SeldiePs-Reet-bervftfe-fn-Pere&t Pfagenridef He+de:e-towe^Gaardien-Pr-egon Gld-Pfegenelayef Plextle-Seatfy McPuff'a Workshop bonfire in Lost Bastille Ruin Sentinels Belfry Gargoyles

Forgotten Key The Rotten and Black Guioh primal bonfire Unpetrify Rosabeth of Meifia Froo Ornifex VengarFe-body Seorpioneee-Naika RoyahRat-Aathority Prowiing-Magns-&-Gongregation The-EHike-s-Pear-Ffeja-and-Bftgfrtotone-Gove-prfmai bonfire King:a-gate-bonfife-in-Prangieie-Gaatie

Vondriok Obtoin Vcndriek'G Crown Unlock The Dade Chasm of Old Darklurker Obtoin the Dragon Talon and roach Shulvo Obtoin the Dragon Stono Elano, the Squalid Quoon Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon & tho Crown of the Sunken King Gravcrobbor, Vorg and Corah Obtoin tho Heavy Iron Key and roach

То что не зачеркнуто тоже пройдено)

□□ nightbot: Demon's Souls is next. Controller hack, and pausing of the console are ready. Rumors of BloodBorne have surfaced...,Dark Souls,фэндомы,W o,W olaire

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