Dark Souls 3 - DON'T watch the DLC trailers!,Gaming,dark,souls,ds3,dks3,pvp,otz,otzdarva,dlc,ashes,of,ariandel,trailer,trailers,breakdown,analysis,spoiler,spoilers,do,not,bosses,miyazaki,interview,from,software,All the answers to your lore theories about the DLC (without spoilers): http://i.imgur.com/F69XShK.jpg More info about the trailers: As I discuss in the video, trailers of the Souls series have a history of spoiling a LOT, especially the ones released near launch. I have played all of the Souls games, some of them completely blind others partially aware of some bosses and locations, and I cannot stress enough how incredible it is to experience these games going in blind. In the Dark Souls 3 trailers, some of the most memorable bosses are featured (often in their second phases) and even their cutscenes are in there. Seeing how the DLC is going to have much less content than the original game, I would say that watching any trailer is risky enough. No hard feelings towards the channels that have analyzed the trailers, I've done it once too, but I would honestly recommend that you avoid those videos as well. Music: King's Field IV OST - Holy Forest Vagrant Story OST - Abandoned Mine First Level
DS видео,Dark Souls,фэндомы,Dark Souls 3,DLC,Ashes of Ariandel
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